The following reading is from a emerging movement called Vaux, from the United Kingdom. It's really an Advent reading, but it still sounds good in the middle of March (or anytime, for that matter). I'm hoping they wouldn't have minded my reprinting it here...
WAITING (Vaux, London, 1998)
As Sarah waited…
40 years for a son to fulfill God’s promise
We wait in hope for what we thought had been promised to us
As Moses waited…
40 years in the desert being prepared by God to lead his people
We wait for emptiness and humility; for bravado to wither
As Israel waited…
40 years in the desert, hungry, depressed, thirsting, unsure
We wait for things to move on and generations to pass
As the prophets waited…
1000 years of promises that God would raise up a Savior
We wait for things to change
As Mary waited…
9 months of her 14 years for the child of God
We feel the birth pangs yet fear for the child
As John the Baptist waited…
Scanning the crowds for the one whose sandals he would not be worthy to untie
We long for an experience of the Divine
As Jesus waited…
30 years of creeping time
40 days in the desert of temptation
3 years in the midst of misunderstanding
3 days in the depths of hell
So we wait for God’s time
Preparing the way
Our turn to toil on leveling mountains and straightening paths
Our turn to watch the time horizon
Our turn to pass on the hope—
the one who promised is faithful
and will come back
(Vaux was an Emerging Church movement of artists and individuals from south London. In 1998, they began meeting together on a monthly basis with the intention of expressing their Christian faith through the use of various media and other artistic expressions. Vaux disbanded in 2005 as its various members went forth to help enrich other faith communities throughout the United Kingdom and the world. For more about Vaux, go to
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