09 April 2007

Life, Death, New Life

Easter is the celebration of new life. Plenty of poignant reminders of the cycle of life, death, and new life seem to surround me this year as I reflect on the past few weeks.

Obviously, we look first to the example of what we celebrate on Easter morning, not to mention every Sunday morning that we gather together as church communities around the world. Christ experienced the reality of human death, and He demonstrated the victory over that same death on the third day.

In the midst of celebrating that very victory at church this past Easter Sunday, our congregation rejoiced in seeing and hearing our brother Scott during prayer time. He's the one I mentioned in a previous prayer request. Just under two weeks ago, we were considering the very real possibility that Scott would be going home to be with God. Evidently, God had other things in mind, as Scott was released from the hospital last Thursday. He even surprised us by stopping by at a party held at our house Saturday night. Talk about a great Easter illustration.

This past week also allowed me to reflect on resurrection from a second, contrasting perspective. April 1 was the birthday of my father, who passed away in 2003. Holidays and anniversaries (such as birthdays) are among the times when you miss a loved one the most after they've passed away. Easter also reminds us that we have not only a hope, but a firm conviction that death is not the end of the story for us. Jesus' promise of eternal life reminds me that I will be reunited with my father again someday, as we will both rejoice together in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

And in the midst of all of the talk of mortality, my best friend from childhood is pregnant with her second child while preparing to celebrate the third birthday of her first child (better remember to go shopping this week). Though we are not related by blood, I can't help but feel immense happiness whenever I hear little Jacob call me "Uncle Glenn." The joy of new life abounds.

When I reflect back on Easter 2007, I might have trouble remembering what songs we sang, or what we had for Easter dinner (which was quite delicious, thank you). I will remember that God chose to bless me with amazing lessons that helped bring out the true joy and Grace of the resurrection.

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.