04 September 2007

Back to the Blog

For the vast multitudes who have missed me while I've been gone...

I'm back.

I suspect that the part of my brain that remained committed to maintaining this blog decided to shut down once finals were over at Fuller last June. Not that I haven't had any strong thoughts regarding worship since then... I just plain forgot to make it over to this here web page.

As previously hinted, some significant things have developed that have impacted me as a worship leader...

At church, we've struggled with some significant losses on our worship team over the last few months. Back around Easter time, we had the luxury of multiple individuals who could fill in playing most instruments (except, naturally, PIANO) in our rotation. As of now, we basically have one bass guitarist, one rhythm guitarist, and one "switch-hitter". (We were down to one drummer again during the summer, but are gratefully not only back up to two, but three!) Not only am I grateful for the past blessings of a large rotation, but I am looking forward to how God will continue to provide in the coming month. (Translation for those who don't speak Church: "I miss our old friends, but God hasn't let us down yet.")

The loss of worship team members has allowed for some unexpected creativity in putting together weekly teams. We've had some strong Sundays with vocals stepping up a notch; we've had a few fun almost "unplugged" services; I even got to have fun by playing bass on a few tunes a month ago. (I don't know how fun THAT was for the congregation, though.) And I've enjoyed watching the talents of those "who remain" being stretched and challenged.

I find myself this fall with an additional opportunity to grow as a worship leader: I've been chosen as one of six "chapel interns" for Fuller Seminary during the 2007-08 year. The six of us will work together with faculty and staff to plan and coordinate the weekly chapel services held each Wednesday on campus.

Last Thursday, I attended an all-day retreat for the six of us, along with our supervisor, Ed Willmington, and the current director of chapel, Doug Nason. During the last hour of our retreat, we discussed the first four or five chapels of the school year and did some brainstorming. After almost a decade of planning worship services essentially on my own, it was both refreshing and disconcerting to have to plan and brainstorm in a committee. Definitely a positive experience, but a very new one as well.

More to come...

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