11 April 2009

Great Friday

Every year, our church pastors normally participate in community and/or ecumenical Good Friday services. However, holding a Good Friday service of our own is not usually part of our tradition during the Easter season. Enter the worship leader filled with ideas from seminary... Pastor George, Pastor Connie and I met together and planned a service that would hopefully be true to our congregation, but also a chance to stretch ourselves in worship. We ended coming up with a unique blend of art, music, scripture, readings, confession and prayer that really seemed to work well.

Though the content of the service was a blessing, the greater blessing was the high attendance that we enjoyed for this "inaugural" Good Friday service. I'm reminded of how blessed I am to work with a congregation that puts its trust in its leadership, even when the road ahead might be unknown or unfamiliar. This has been the kind of group I have had the honor of serving for so long, and am continually thankful to God for my Christian brothers and sisters at ABC.

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